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small business managed services

One of the many challenges facing small business owners, is how to leverage a web presence to further their operations or generate new streams of revenue.

It takes time away from other priorities, can require ongoing technical support, and can be expensive.  A website is oftentimes a living thing, not just a one and done.  It should be updated and refreshed be something the customer wants to come back to.

At Round Barn Studios, we have a passion for small business and want to see them grow and be successful.  That is why we develop unique managed solutions for each partner.  Our solutions are all inclusive, and include everything to get started and keep it going for one monthly fee.

We bring the technical expertise and customer partnership needed launch a successful online presence.

Unlike many firms who are looking for clients, we are looking for partners.  Developing a successful online strategy is a partnership.

We will listen to your vision, and provide options for making it a reality.  But the partnership doesn't end there, we'll ensure you get the ongoing support post launch to continue keeping the vision alive and fresh.

We can work together to develop a number of options for you, including:

  • Assume support for an existing website.

    • Can include migrating existing website to our hosting service.

  • Stand up a brand new website.

  • Integrate e-commerce solutions into an existing or new website.

  • We can perform all of the upfront development and hand it over to you.

  • We can perform all of the upfront development and provide ongoing support and maintenance.

We want to partner with you in any capacity which aligns with your needs and your vision.


what's included

  • Domain registration or renewal (if required)

  • Website hosting

  • Custom website design, delivery, & support.

  • E-commerce integration and support

  • SSL integration

    • SHA-256 (2048 bit) RSA Encryption​

  • Ongoing support and updates.

  • And much more.

Reach out to us today to see how we can do something to something great together.

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